Converting from Oil to Natural Gas:
You’ve likely heard talk of how an oil to gas conversion could save you money. Converting from oil to gas heat in your home is a big decision.
–Could converting from oil to gas heat possibly save you money? Yes.
–Is it likely? No. Not at all.
–Why? The main reason is that the oil to gas conversion cost is an exorbitant upfront cost, and current price differentials just typically don’t provide the necessary pay back quickly enough.
Converting from Oil to BioHeating Oil:
There has also been lots of talk on how BioHeating Oil is the new, hot item in today’s oil market. Many oil companies have “converted” from traditional petroleum based heating oil to a “BioHeat blend”.
–Could converting from traditional oil heat to BioHeating Oil save you money? Yes.
–Is it likely? Yes, it’s extremely likely.
–Why? BioHeating Oil is cleaner and more efficient than traditional petroleum based oil, and requires absolutely no equipment conversion cost whatsoever.
Convert… To BioHeating Oil!
What is BioHeating oil, and how does it play a role in your decision of the best fuel type to heat your home? The oil vs. gas heat debate continues, and we’ve broken down it into 7 key factors that should play a role in your decision:
We’ve broken down these 7 categories to explain the key differences between BioHeating oil and natural gas. Click to read the details, and how we came to our conclusion in each category.
Conversion Costs and Annual Price Difference Analysis
Efficiency & Cleanliness of Burning Analysis
Renewable Fuel Source Analysis
Safety and Provider Relationship Analysis
To sum it up…
Oil heat vs. gas heat – the answer to this question becomes clearer when you throw BioHeating Oil into the mix. Too often, things are generalized in the larger “oil vs. gas heat” dilemma, without giving proper notice to the BioHeating Oil component of the argument. Gas companies can easily get away with statements like “improve efficiency and lower your monthly heating bills this winter by converting from oil to gas!” And that is completely true! You could accomplish both of those things with an oil to gas conversion. But you could ALSO accomplish both of those things by converting from oil to BioHeating oil, and without laying down money upfront!
It’s time to choose the fuel of the future. Renewable, clean burning, efficient BioHeating Oil can save you money, be used in your current equipment, and help preserve the earth’s limited natural resources for future generations. Medford Heating is dedicated to helping you make a difference. That’s why we now offer BioHeating oil at the SAME LOW PRICE as traditional heating oil. The choice is easy. Call us to order BioHeating Oil today.