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Oil to gas conversions – It’s time for a refresher course on converting from oil heat to natural gas. We’ve covered this before, but factors are always changing and sometimes we all need a refresher course on the pros and cons of an oil to gas conversion.
FACT #1: We do gas conversions and service gas equipment!
At Medford Heating & Air Conditioning Service, WE DO NATURAL GAS! We do oil to gas conversions, we service gas equipment, and we’ve been in the natural gas realm for a long time now. We no longer go by “Medford Heating Oil” like we used to 50 years ago when Leon started the business. We go by Medford Heating, because we do many types of heating, not just oil! So please, if you’re ready for a switch, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll help you through it.
FACT #2: You need to gather all of the facts before any switch.
An oil to gas conversion (or vice versa) is not a decision to be taken lightly. One of the biggest reasons for this is the upfront cost of switching fuel types. You don’t want to dish out that money without being positive of what you’re doing and why. There are many factors to consider, including cost, safety, environmental impact, convenience, provider relationship, efficiency, and MORE.
We put out a blog series a few years ago detailing many of these facets, but be sure to check up on current information, because things (especially pricing) are always changing. The articles still provide a great starting point for your research. Click the links below for more info.
FACT #3: You need to watch out for marketing gimmicks.
MANY articles out there compare “heating oil” to natural gas in order to make natural gas look like a no brainer. But the fact of the matter is that we at Medford Heating (and now many other oil companies) don’t even use heating oil anymore! We’ve switched to BIoHeat, which takes traditional heating oil and combines it with BioDiesel to create a BioHeat Blend that is cleaner, greener, and American Made. This drastically reduces are dependence on foreign oil, and makes a BIG difference in the quality of the fuel. Any comparisons that you do make, please make sure that the article is comparing BIOHEAT to Natural Gas. (Like our articles below.)
FACT #4: No fuel type is 100% perfect
Every fuel type has its pros and cons. When contemplating an oil to gas conversion, you should realize that almost every company or information source has a bias. We have tried to create these comparison articles for you as a true source of information highlighting the PROS of BioHeat. There are of course pros to Natural Gas as well! This is not meant to ignore those. We’ve simply written this because we feel that information is plastered in your faces about the “no brainer” of a gas conversion. And the fact remains, you NEED to use your brain and consider all of the info!
So, without further ado… BIOHeat vs. Natural Gas – Which is right for you?
- BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas – Overview
- BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas – Equipment Cost & Price Differences
- BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas – Efficiency & Clean Burning Analysis
- BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas – A Renewable Fuel Source
- BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas – Safety & Provider Relationship
Ultimately it’s entirely your decision, and we want you to be happy with your choice with no regrets. Feel free to call and talk through the pros and cons with us, and if an oil to gas conversion is in your future, we can’t wait to help you through it!
Call to talk through or set up your conversion today!
(c) Can Stock Photo / cienpies
We are a proud distributor of bioheating oil, an environmentally superior alternative to regular heating oil. It contains biodiesel, a clean-burning, renewable fuel made from vegetable oil. This blended fuel provides:
Improved Air Quality – Bioheating oil burns cleaner than regular petroleum, decreasing the amount of carbon monoxide, sulfates, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter.
Efficiency – Biodiesel has self-cleaning properties that are easier on equipment, decreasing maintenance and increasing longevity. Plus no equipment modifications are needed.

What a difference a year can make!
Check out these filters after just one year of burning the respective fuel listed.
Stunning visual proof of the clean burning properties of BioFuel blends.
A Home-grown, Renewable, Sustainable Fuel
• It’s a renewable fuel made from domestically grown crops and produced vegetable oil.
• It creates jobs in America, improves national security, and strengthens local economies.
• It promotes American energy freedom.
• It decreases reliance on foreign oil. Eliminates need to import oil from hostile countries.
NO HEAT / NO AC …is fun for NO ONE!
Service Policies provide the peace of mind that you need! When something goes wrong, we’ve got you covered!
It is important to have a company that you can trust to perform the service that you need promptly, thoroughly, and affordably. Ease the burden of high heating repair bills with our service policies. With a service policy, you’re one step closer to worry free heat!
We offer service policies on oil heating equipment, gas heating equipment, hot water heating equipment, and air conditioning equipment. AND we offer a multi-policy discount!
Some of the biggest perks include:
Annual system tune-up – This helps reduce the amount of fuel you use and decreases your energy bills. Your system will run more efficiently when it’s been cleaned and serviced. A more efficient system means you will use less fuel to heat your home. This is an often overlooked maintenance step that you will never miss out on with a service policy!
Parts & Labor Coverage – Most common repair parts are covered 100%, plus 15% discount on non-covered parts and labor charges. See the brochure below for a full list of parts that that are 100% covered whenever you have a service policy.
24/7 Emergency Service – You really don’t want to wake up at 2:00 AM to a no heat situation. Our customers get top priority treatment, and you have access to an emergency technician 24/7, 365 days a year!
Maintenance is cheaper than Repairs! – Diagnose problems before they become expensive, inconvenient repairs. It’s just like maintaining your vehicle, or any other expensive piece of equipment.
The TankSure Program – The TankSure Program provides peace of mind coverage for your oil storage tank. Many people don’t realize that this program for your OIL TANK comes FREE when you purchase the policies on your heating equipment. This is a big bonus that many people often don’t realize is available. Full details on the plan are listed in the brochure below, but call our office with questions!
***Check out the full brochure with all of the details of our service policies.
You’ll find various levels of policies for oil heating, gas heating, air conditioning, and hot water heating.