Many homes still use an older air conditioner that requires R22 refrigerant. If you’re still using an R22 refrigerant system, you’re not alone. Are you wondering what to do now? It’s definitely time to evaluate your options for an air conditioning system upgrade.
As of January 1st, 2020, the R22 refrigerant is officially obsolete. R22 refrigerant is used in many older air conditioning systems. It cannot be manufactured or be imported into the United States anymore. This is in accordance with environmental regulations.
Your R22 air conditioner can of course still continue to run (for now). However, when a repair is needed, the technician may not be able to supply coolant to your system. He/she won’t be able to source the R22 refrigerant. You’ll be forced into an emergency upgrade. This can be costly. Especially when it (inevitably) occurs on a 95 degree day.
If you know that you’re facing a big upgrade in the near future, the best thing that you can do is to plan for the inevitable. You have a few options.
Option 1: Milk every last drop of life out of your current air conditioner.
This option must include saving up for your eventual upgrade. You’re planning on basically leaving the timing to fate. (You’re taking the risk that the air conditioning goes out on a 95 degree day in late July.) So you need to be confident that you’re prepared financially to perform the upgrade immediately. (At least if you have any hopes of staying comfortable.) The upgrade should be able to occur fairly quickly, but every situation is slightly different.
Option 2: Plan your air conditioner upgrade for the spring, taking advantage cost saving opportunities.
If you know the inevitable is around the corner, you might prefer to take your time considering your options. A well planned upgrade will be less expensive than an emergency rush situation. You might even find promotions and rebates. But at the very least, you will reap significant savings from the improved efficiency alone of your unit. Not to mention you can plan the timing of your install! Now is the perfect time of year to get your upgrade underway, so that you avoid the headaches of the gambling game.
Option 3: Make modifications to your current air conditioner to utilize a different refrigerant.
Honestly, we do not recommend this option. Modifications can be tricky and vary. Often the modifications still only buy you a few more years out of your air conditioner. The hassle to undergo modifications only to have to upgrade your air conditioning system a few years later is not ideal. It doesn’t hurt to look into this option, but you shouldn’t be counting on much here. R22 refrigerant is obsolete because of environmental reasons. We’ve come a long way in the world of air conditioning systems in the years since your system was installed. Upgrading to a newer more efficient air conditioner can save you quite a bit of money on energy costs.
Ultimately, the decision is yours. If you’re ready to forge onward with the install, please give our office a call! We’re happy to answer any questions that you might have about We’re fully staffed and ready to help, even in the current COVID-19 environment. We have personal protective equipment, we follow social distancing and other CDC guidelines, and we will sanitize our presence in your home. There is no better time for an install!